Terrible troll

By ShitStirringSon - 15/08/2013 02:02 - United States - San Diego

Today, I was told that my son has Twitter and Facebook accounts that he uses to try to bully people online, some of which are celebrities. He does it really badly, though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 103
You deserved it 7 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViRepz 28

I hope you told him why any type of bullying is bad.


Seriously, #30? Celebrities in the entertainment industry generally make poor role models, and the one at hand is a great example of this. There are plenty of legitimate figures (scientists, engineers, philanthropists, and writers - to name a few) who have earned the privilege of being role models for children through their work and character, so we should be promoting them as individuals to look up to instead.

He is a role model because he helps everyone and loves his fans dearly. He treats everyone kindly. Thats more than i can say for some people.

Your son is bullying people. It's never okay, even if he is bad at it. Being a victim hurts.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

#36, yeah he's such a great "role model." because he's said he hopes Anne Frank would've been a belieber.

bestbelieve 9

Benjamin Franklin is a role model. Justin Bieber is.. well not in the same category.

NatalieOntheTram 11

He's probably just lonely and wants someone to talk to him. Try asking him why he does it? Bullying, even if it's for reasons like this, is NOT ok.

#36, charging at someone saying, "What the f did you just say?" And trying to get someone to hold him back when he wouldn't do anything anyway, that's nice? You're stupid.

So peeing in a mop bucket that is used to clean the floor of a restaurant, spitting on fans, getting into fights and plenty of other shit like that is considered to be a good role model nowadays..? Interesting. Just another reason I never want to have kids.

No it's not, if anything, bullying is underrated and needs to be quashed on the Internet, in work places and schools. Pull your head out of your ass, because bullying has led to too many regrettable outcomes and shouldn't be disregarded and labelled as "overrated".