Terrible troll

By ShitStirringSon - 15/08/2013 02:02 - United States - San Diego

Today, I was told that my son has Twitter and Facebook accounts that he uses to try to bully people online, some of which are celebrities. He does it really badly, though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 103
You deserved it 7 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViRepz 28

I hope you told him why any type of bullying is bad.


I agree with the comment for him to stand outside with a sign that says he is a cyber bully. Bullying is never okay.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Wow. He better be careful with that. Harassing a celebrity is no joke. It would moreso be like harassing a stranger, the same rules apply.

is the fml that he did it, or that he is bad at it?

Which celebrities? I hope some of the bad ones like Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. But as others have asked, is the FML that he's doing it, or that he got caught? And you should probably tell him that cyber bullying is not okay...parenting lesson 101.

slytherbitch 15

"Cyberbullying is not okay", unless it's someone you dislike? That's a wonderful thing to teach children.

Can't tell if you're mad because he's bullying, or mad because he's bad at it.

you can bully amanda bynes. she bullies other celebs as well

it's taken you to this point to say anything to him about bullying... bad parenting. make your kids aware of the effects of bullying before he gets on a computer YDI

PhishloverA 14

I agree. I was about to say he should bully Justin Bieber. He does deserve it after things he's done anyway.