Throwing it all away

By Anonymous - 21/02/2023 22:00

Today, I tried telling the girl I like how I feel about her. Little does she know I broke up a 6-year relationship for her. We're "just friends” she says. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204
You deserved it 1 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good for her. She doesn't owe you anything. Both girls are better off.


Good for her. She doesn't owe you anything. Both girls are better off.

Your old girl must have been a dud. It's better to be in a hot girl's friend zone than being stuck with an uggo.

Or, you know, you could have not been a massive a-hole to your ex *and* been an a-hole to the woman whose friend you claimed to be.

Kudos to you for breaking up when I assume you were unhappy before trying to “put the moves” on your crush… You never can be sure how welcome your romantic interest is going to be until you are there in person talking to them. It seems you misread your “crush”. Take her word for it and move on. I don’t recommend trying to go back to your ex after this. I assume the relationship wasn’t working - That happens. Just keep trying and you will eventually find someone who is interested in you and you are interested in them… The old expression about salesmen is that you have to knock on a lot of doors before making a sale. That’s true of a lot of things. Be yourself, but be on good behavior at all times.