Time is a flat circle

By Off to Canada - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Hong Kong - Kowloon

Today, my class was given the assignment to have an informal discussion, debating who would be the best fit for president of the US. The school's security guards were called in after the Trump supporters started fights with everyone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 013
You deserved it 2 440

Same thing different taste

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Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?

Obama is black and Trump is orange so, Orange is the new black?


If trump gets elected I'm going to Mexico

Keep your bags packed. In case that happens, you need to be very wick. You don't want to have to scale a wall just to get to Mexico ...

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People like you and trump are what's wrong with this country.

liberals are what's wrong with this country. Obama didnt do shit for 8 years.

smiley1014 23

I'm just going to wait patiently and see how quickly this gets locked.

middlenamefrank 8

It's contagious, even halfway around the world. As an American, I hereby apologize to the rest of the world for inflicting Trump upon you. You can only imagine what it's like here.

this shit happened in Hong Kong? why the **** do y'all care?