To boldly go where no man has gone before

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Boston

Today, my new boyfriend and I got intimate for the first time. He started whispering in my ear, but I couldn't understand him. He pushed me away and ignored me the rest of the night. Apparently it's a huge turn-off that I can't talk dirty in Klingon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 082
You deserved it 6 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

isabelf 17

your boyfriend sounds like he has some very odd fetishes...


PerditaDessa 38

bomDI' 'Iwwij qaqaw. If he didn't start off with poetry followed by oral he didn't properly set the stage for dirty talk. Just remember DayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ and you'll be fine. Klingon isn't hard to learn, and if he's committed to the aspects of the race it'll be worth the effort in the end.

If they're both committed, they'd better have excellent health insurance (or be one turbolift ride from sick bay).

skittyskatbrat 19

Someone who is enough of a nerd to speak Klingon should not be turning his nose up at sex.... If you can get him past this, nerds make the BEST boyfriends.

84- Ignoring you the whole night for not being able to speak klingon doesn't sound like my idea of "the BEST boyfriend"

Queen_of_Night 20

Oh PLEASE... The whole "nerds don't get laid" thing? Really? I thought we were passed that stereo type since Big Bang Theory. Let me tell you how many times I walked in on couples (and triples and quads) doing the deed on the stairswells of the hotel the anime convention I go to. They quit showing Hentai Fest because of people getting caught doing it in the video room.

Looks like you need to learn shouldn't be too hard....actually we'll see on the follow up or maybe another FML that comes up

I'd run... Has nothing to do with speaking Klingon and everything to do with his reaction to you not speaking it.

cluelesscher 5

Instead of him getting upset, why doesn't he teach her a few phrases?

ruthi666 23

Your life is now officially an episode of The Big Bang Theory.

TALK DIRTY TO ME. IN KLINGON. Get Jason Derulo's new single today!

what nerd! you deserve a boyfriend that won't ignore you because you don't know a non-legit language