By Anonymous - 31/12/2011 06:21 - United States

Today, as I was just finishing my grocery shopping, a little girl and her mother walked past. Seeing the little girl staring at me, I waved. The girl then pointed to me and asked her mother "Mommy, is that man pregnant?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 861
You deserved it 7 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should've told her you were santa and that because she hurt your feelings, she's going on the naughty list next year.


IKickPuppiesHard 16

Meh all children are ignorant. Happens. I would have just flicked her off and went about my business. You should really only be mad if the parent said "yes".

I believe it is "flipped" her off, and your a douche. Who flips off little kids?

IKickPuppiesHard 16

As far as I'm concerned you understand the term so I couldn't care less what you thought I meant. Whats wrong with FLICKING off a kid? It's not like they will get offended and go cry. If they do then they understand the meaning behind the gesture and would be old enough to know blatantly being mean to someone who is being nice to you warrants them getting flicked off in the first place.

I can just see OP's hand stopping in mid-wave.

Ohh that hurts! Try loosing some pounds, you will feel way better and you'll have more selfconfidence ;)

LOSING. Not loosing. Learn the difference!

it does good for us who are learing english as a second language,sometimes bad spellings baffle me a lot

Glad you're avidly learning another language. It opens up a lot of doors later in life.

guys, thank you for correcting my mistakes, i will go further with your help! BTW, happy new year!

FYLDeep 25

Go up to the little kid and say, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just full from the last little kid I ate."

desireev 17

That was epic.. And it just made my day! Thank you!! Haha

iamabamf 17

You deserved it for being fat. Just kidding, that sucks. **** your life.

It may seem like you have some excess body fat but that doesn't mean that the little girl can run faster than you. You should have chased after her, put fear in her eyes and she will never insult another person ever again.

jaeyuuji 1

I don't know if anyone else noticed but OP is a guy, not a girl lol

blueeyedwolf 10

No one's comments indicated they thought the OP was female...

ThatLooksSticky 16

I think everyone did, since the little girl asked if a MAN was pregnant. That's why it's an FML.

iamabamf 17

You're dumb. How about you actually read the FML before posting idiotic comments about it next time? Good idea? Yes.

He's just saying that because he thought op was a girl before thinking it through a little. Put a green hat on before making a comment trying to look cool. Idiot.

Nuttyicecream 2

Dang! I hate when that happens to me >.< Worst remark anybody can receive.