By Noname - 05/03/2009 19:44 - Canada

Today, at the dentist, I was getting my teeth cleaned. Looking up at his nose, I saw runny snot dripping onto his lip. I tried to slowly move away. He told me "Stop!" The movement of his lips caused the snot to fall right into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 537 389
You deserved it 53 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xelectrickiss 0

im gagging. seriously, nasty.


LOL OMG...I just lost my appetite..

that's why he didn't get into med school....

Talk about a teeth cleaning. Gross. I'm very disturbed.

Great, I've been avoiding my dentist like the plague lately and when I finally do go in I'm going to be paranoid about this. That's so freakin' nasty!

TheHeroHartmut 0

That sorta reminds me of something I heard on the radio once before. I'll just tell the ending: a boil accidentally gets burst into someone else's mouth. 'Nuff said?

Eeeuww! Thank God my dentist wears a face mask over his mouth and nose!

Auron_fml 0

Hahahahaha!! Yummy, how did it taste?? Hahaha!! No, seriously, it's disgusting. I have to go to the dentist next week and i hope to forget this story.