By Noname - 05/03/2009 19:44 - Canada

Today, at the dentist, I was getting my teeth cleaned. Looking up at his nose, I saw runny snot dripping onto his lip. I tried to slowly move away. He told me "Stop!" The movement of his lips caused the snot to fall right into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 537 389
You deserved it 53 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xelectrickiss 0

im gagging. seriously, nasty.


*gags* that's absolutely horrific. and wtf, who said the OP deserved this?! NOBODY deserves this.

sliimxshady 0

i'd freaking puke right in his face.

TheNameless_fml 0

My hygienists have always worn a mask, but sometimes my dentist won't and I've been going to the same place since I was five. :/ Though the last few times I asked him to wear one and he did. That's kinda' gross.

ewwww wtf! i would have put my finger in my mouth and barfed that up.

this must be fake. They're required to wear a mask...either that or i would have straight out refused to go there

crissycat07 0

why is everyone like "zomg fake" no one cares, if its funny its funny doesnt matter geez and how would you know? they're SUPPOSED too but some DON'T but this is grosss i gagged ugh!

marris 0

Who goes to dentist that doesn't wear a mask while they are cleaning your teeeth?

marris 0

number 48 - if this story is true, then her dentist is in danger of getting his license revoked. haven't you ever been to the dentist? They are required by law to wear dental hygenist masks. Unless the OP has x-ray vision she could have never seen this happen