By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 11:57 - United States - Howell

Today, I babysat an 11 year old kid while his parents ate out. As soon as they left, the kid asked me if I wanted to be on the sex offender's list. Before I could even process that, he told me to stay out of his way and he wouldn't accuse me of anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 815
You deserved it 2 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Record him saying all of that, make 100% sure that it saved, and then call his parents and tell them to come home immediately to show them the video. That shit's not cool and he needs some serious discipline. (Make sure he doesn't know you recorded him and doesn't have access to your phone so he can't delete it).

MrZsDad 19

Should have told him to sit down and shut up before he ends up on a milk carton


Little shit! Ask him if he wants to be in a foster home cuz if he's pulling stunts like that his parents won't have custody long! And tell his parents on him right away and go call a friend to go with you so your never alone!

Call the parents immediately, tell them what he said, and that you no longer feel comfortable babysitting their child and they need to come home immediately.

aruiz51 1

I would let the local authorities know too so he doesn't ruin someone else's life after you quitm

Well that sounds like you're not going to be doing that babysitting job again. I agree with all those other people who say I get a recording of it and play it for his parents if you do babysit him again. There is no excuse in the world to threaten an innocent person with that. Just so that you can get your way. Some kids really needs a belt taking to their bottoms. I was raised like that and it never hurt me none. the rules on punishment for children have been so lax that it's no wonder there are children are running wild and saying stuff like this and thinking they can get away with it. And that its okay I blame the parents.

countryb_cth 38

Also a big thing I have nodiced is that a lot of parents want to be their child's best friend and not a parent. So the kids end up getting bratty and spoiled because the parents don't want their kid to be mad at them, so they give them whatever they want and let them do whatever they want. Which is stupid, my mom is my best friend yet when I was younger she disciplined me and kept me in line. It hasn't ruined our relationship it made it better. So I don't understand why parents can't just parent their kids, the kids have enough best friends what they need is structure and good parenting.

ForeverJasmine 26

Record that little prick. . If anything just to cover your own ass

I agree with those who've said to call the parents and say they need to come home. Tell them what he said and explain that you refuse to leave yourself open to such accusations. What a piece of shit kid. Just an accusation like that can ruin your life!

I would definitely tell the parents, that's too crazy a story to have made up just to get the kid in trouble