By beforegirl - 08/11/2010 21:11 - Australia

Today, I discovered I am the "before picture" in an internet weight loss advert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 554
You deserved it 8 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you're the "before", but not the "after"? Are you trying to tell me... that an internet advertiser is making false claims?!

Using your picture without your consent is most likely illegal.


steveo8008 0
RedPillSucks 31

It's even funnier cause he turns out to be a she. So the before picture is a fat man and the after picture is a fat woman? I don't think I'll buy those weight loss supplements.

Weird huh? One day your fat Jesus then the next it's like POW Megan Fox. It's a new fad, actually Justin Biebers doing them too.

YigalElohev 2

I work in advertising. Depends on how they got the photo. Otherwise, you might have a case.

Exactly; if you don't "Opt Out", they can use your info, photos, etc however they want!!!

perdix 29

And the "after" picture is your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend? Sucks to be fat, but there's good news: You can do something about it, and you don't have to spend tons of money doing it. Tell that to ugly people. You've really got a leg up on them -- a grotesque, misshapen, cellulite-pitted, pasty disgusting leg, that is.

danipoo4u 0

You definitely don't look like a "fattie"; you're a cute girl! =)

QwertyMcNugget 0
MisherzzSquisher 0

lmao but it's the before pic so that sucks!

LMAO! This FML made me laugh so hard. Sucks to be you OP.

I think they're trying to tell you something. Maybe you should listen this time, before it gets any worse.