By homewrecker - 08/11/2009 15:39 - United States

Today, I drove 600 miles to be with my boyfriend of two years for his uncle's funeral. He didn't want me to come because I am seven months pregnant and flying is dangerous in the third trimester. When I got there I don't know who was more suprised to see me: him, his wife, or their kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 035
You deserved it 6 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn..... comment and tell us what happened next!

tangerine_12 0

Dump his ass. Now. Guys like that are ******* scum.


Blacksteel2021 0

u drove, then flying is dangerous? so did u fly or drive? clear that up

They figured flying was too dangerous, since you're not meant to fly during your third trimester. Hence, the OP drove the 600miles. It's pretty clear.

She drove. She said the reason he gave her was because it's so far away, and didn't want her flying. So she drove to surprise him.

Failed most of those reading comprehension tests in junior high school, didntcha?

fuckxxx 0
Leashaness 5

Her first sentence is "i drove 600 miles". DROVE. The next sentence is her explaining the excuse her boyfriend had for not wanting her to come at all. God people, chill the **** out! Good job making her feel worse just because you idiots can't comprehend simple sentences.

Ok... she drove, because her boyfriends excuse for her not to go was that flying is dangerous. (Which is probably how she usually goes to see him.) But she DROVE, because then it isn't dangerous for the baby... but the REAL reason her boyfriend didn't want her to go was because of his second family. Do you all get it now? And fyl, OP. That really sucks but sue his ass for child support.

FML is what the child will be saying. Ok, so you couldn't have known that your boyfriend was married, but why get pregnant to a boyfriend? Now this poor kid has to grow up in a single parent family. You kinda deserved this but I feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Not everyone chooses to become married. There are some couples who do not believe in the institution of marriage.

Because not everyone wants to be married? An uncle of mine has a daughter with his girlfriend. The reason they don't marry is because he was two or three times prior, and all three it turned out the women were selfish bitches after the I Do's were said. So he'd just as well not do it again.

If I were your uncle's girlfriend I would dump his ass!! He is essentially saying, "Hey baby, so I've been married previously a few times and I wasn't able to make it work and quite honestly I doubt we could make it work, so rather than get married then just end up divorcing each other, lets just not get married so when I get tired of you and it quits working I can just dump you and move on to the next chick I find. Cool? okay sweet". Wow, what a SEVERE lack of trust. I hope your uncle's kid doesn't grow up to be like his dad...

Sometimes pregnancy happens, even when using contraceptives. And then of course, there are mistakes. So what, she should have had an abortion? I really don't see how single parents would manage to screw up their kids anymore than two parents do just because there is only one. @Jeef27: Ever heard the saying "the best way to ruin a great romance is to get married"? Some people believe that.

Hey, don't worry about it, Jeef has parent issues. You can see it in all his posts. Mummy didn't hug him enough and daddy was never around.... Hey Jeef, any of this sounds judgemental, it's nothing to the shit you're spinning, grow up, not everyone has to have the exact same opinions you have as a result of you're crappy childhood, some people believe that if not every person can marry the one they love, than no one should, and so they don't as a statement, some people find marriage pointless, if you love someone, why do you have to go through some ridiculous ritual just to prove it. I personally can't wait to get married, but it's not for everyone.

@ Marrajane, Listen jackass, I'm glad you think you can just magically know what people's backgrounds are like and where they came from but I've got news for you; I was raised in a GOOD home with two parents who are STILL together after over 30 years of marriage and never once did I have "mummy/daddy doesn't love me!!!" issues. So you can quit assuming about people and start listening; it might do you some good. The reason I say all the things I say on here isn't because I have "issues" or "my parents didn't love me" but because I have watched COUNTLESS friends have their lives torn up because they're parents got divorced. I've heard "oh sorry, I have to go to my dad's this weekend" more times than I can count and have first hand testimonies of people that HATE HATE HATE divorce and bad parenting. So, I'm guessing the reason you hate my posts so much is because you know I'm right and you've probably made some of the mistakes I'm calling people out for. I think you are the one who needs to grow up and admit that people everywhere are ruining their kid's lives because they aren't happy and they can't think of anyone but themselves.

Yes, you definitely know my relatives motives. You pinned him right down. Please. It makes sense to both of them - they both wish to spend eternity together, but both know it may or may not work out that way. Why complicate things if it comes down to not, when both of them are perfectly content how and where they are? Marriage isn't always rainbows and sunshine, and unfortunately previous experiences has tainted it farther for them.

Erm, people aren't disagreeing with you because they "know you're right." They just don't have the same opinion as you. As well, please throw in some punctuation. It doesn't help your point when your paragraphs are too painful to read.

@ Jeef. I'm fully aware that I have no idea about your family. It's not fun when people just assume to know everything about the situation, do they. Yeah, divorce is hard for a lot of kids. It's also better for just as many. Being raised in a de facto or single parent household is just as easily a happy household than a nuclear household. What's right for you isn't what's right for everyone else. She might've wanted to marry him, my parents had my older sister outside of marriage, they got married after she was one. That could've been the OP's plan. You don't know, stop assuming, stop judging.

just so you know, Jeef, people will respect your opinions a bit more if you don't begin your posts with "listen jackass/asshole/cuntface/insert random unnecessary insult here." I do think that you have a point, and there's little that will **** up a kid more than selfish parents. I would like to point out though, that selfishness isn't merely expressed in getting a divorce without thought for your kid. It can just be something like treating your kid like crap so they'd actually be better off if they were only living with one of their parents. Parents should not get divorced if they still get along well enough and have kids to take care of, expecting that fuzzy warm "in love" feeling to last is naive, certainly. But if they aren't getting along and the environment is horrible for the kid, I support a divorce in that situation. In my experience, usually it's just one parent who doesn't want to try, and the other ends up taking care of the kid and doing a pretty good job.

theres no way in hell a guy could maintain the relationship with his first family and the 2nd pregnant girl for 2 years. Especially without either of the "familys" knowing.

People have done it a lot longer. Some guys even have 2 completely different identities, with different last names, and get married to both, have a couple kids with both and the kids are like 12 and both wives are none the wiser.

Demetra_fml 0

Yes I do suppose the term "bigamy" is just a fun made-up word in the dictionary, eh? Men and women alike will try to pull off a double life and are damn good liars. Not really out of the question, is it?

Seriously?? I think you chicks need to get to know a guy better before you **** him... How do u not know he is married? This has got to be fake...

Obviously, you're not too wise on the ways of life. These things happen.