By ringrash - 14/01/2016 06:17 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I finally went to the doctor's office to have a small patch of acne on my stomach looked at. Since it was in an almost perfect circle and abnormally sensitive, I was worried it could be ringworm or some other sort of skin infection. It turned out to be an infection alright. Herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 022
You deserved it 4 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know now before it does any permanent damage

dman798 18

Better on your stomach than somewhere else


Are you sure it's not herpes zoster, more commonly known as shingles? This is not an STI, but rather comes from the chicken pox virus which lies dormant in your body. This would be more likely especially if it's painful and mostly on one side of your body.

Herpes isn't bad. I learned that from Adam Ruins Everything. 90% of the world has some form of herpes. OP, you'll be fine.

90% of the world's adult population has herpes. So don't worry. It's not harmful other than the symptoms.

KingAdrock 16

THIS. On top of that when people say "herpes" they usually only mean GENITAL herpes. Oral or other non-genital herpes doesn't have the same stigma, despite being the exact same thing. If herpes does *anything*, which in the case of most people it doesn't (most people have no symptoms) the worst herpes does is give you cold sores. Oooh no, red bumps. The world will clearly end. Except not. Honestly, all versions of herpes are bullshit and nobody should care about it. And for the record: no, I don't even have herpes.

I think herpes is better than ringworm... don't worry it will clear up soon!

TheNoNameGuy 20
Omfgitsmia 15

Your picture with your comment is perfect.

it depends on the strain of herpes, this most likely is just chicken pox.

contrary to popular belief, herpes is harmless. also, 90% of people have it.

michaelm1290 23

Contrary to your belief, herpes is NOT harmless. There are significant complications that can happen, including neonatal encephalitis, meningitis and zoster opthalmicus, to name a few. In addition, should someone have a defective immune system or be on immunosuppressive drugs, they too will experience vastly more significant complications from the various herpes viruses, with possibilities of pneumonia, esophagitis, encephalitis, adrenal gland destruction and disseminated disease.

The doctor has spoken, let all those large words marinate for a minute.

*to the vast, vast majority of people it is... Harmless.

This is entirely false and dangerous to spread as truth. It can be extremely dangerous- esp to babies who have no immune response. It causes brain swelling and is fatal. Anyone who has herpes should be taking anti virals and women should be tested in the third trimester... It is horrifying to watch a child suffer through that.

You're an idiot. Speaking as someone who has it from a sport the only thing that happens is I get small bumps on my ear that itch. It's not a std and wouldn't due any harm to any future children. The worst possible thing that happens is someone touching it while I have an outbreak and I'm sweating or bleeding and they get it. Which never happens because I watch if closely

Sorry you took offense, but I know for a fact that getting herpes on your body during the end stages of pregnancy can be fatal to babies. That is how my niece died. My sister got it from working with a patient who had it, during the last three weeks of her pregnancy. She got really sick and my niece lived for 11 days in horrible pain while her organs slowly failed... For most adults the herpes virus is mildly annoying because we have immune systems that help us. As stated above- babies and immuno-compromised people are going to have a rough go of it...

But babies will not necessarily have it because of the type she has. If that happened every person who has cold sores on there mouth would pass it on. I'm sorry that your niece and family went through this but the herpes she had would have to be different than what op has.

bad_boyfriend 10

This isn't going to be a popular statement, but herpes isn't that big of a deal. I know people who are married, one has herpes the other doesn't. They just don't rub together vigorously during outbreaks.

kimiirenee 17

I have herpes. It's not the end of the world (:

Very true, there are many misconceptions about herpes. Doing some research on the subject may not make anyone an expert, but it can enlighten the dimmer ones.

That's sucks, but it's really not the worst thing you could have. They can keep it under control with medicine. And it's not fatal or debilitating or anything. At least you didn't get something more serious.

Whoops, accidentally clicked "I agree your life sucks"

Just in time for Valentine's day! The gift that keeps on giving! I'd recommend wrapping it first though.