By debiebs - 29/12/2015 12:04 - Brazil - Salvador

Today, I found out that my boyfriend has a Facebook account. He said he didn't have one. Apparently he's not divorced after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 506
You deserved it 2 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well don't jump to conclusions! Maybe he isn't divorced yet but is in the process, divorce takes a long time before its finalized

He might've just meant that he isn't using one since a while. And if that's the case, he wouldn't have changed his relationship status. Not everyone wants to update every ******* life event on social media the moment it occurs


Bluedy 17
ezrajab 22

That's messed up on soo many levels sorry op

And OP doesn't know how to check for recent activity, and the guy's (supposedly) ex-wife either doesn't have an account or never changed her relationship status?

You seem very passionate about this 42.

#49, it's the most important thing that's ever happened.

Not all men are like it! Women can be just as bad, it's down to the individual not the gender moron

Sxylilhalfpint 20

sorry OP had the something happen to me. But keep ya head up. it's almost a new year. Time for fresh starts.

redheadedmonster 24

while I totally agree that sucks ass why do people say they don't have a Facebook when they obviously do? Why can't they just be honest and say yeah I have one but I forgot the password or never use it or whatever. Because even if he is divorced (let's say he is for sake of argument) wouldn't it just be easier to tell her he has one but doesn't use it or forgot the password rather than having her find it and think the worst?

Maybe ex wife didn't want to let go because she was obsessive and made one for her and one for her ex husband (saying that they were married) to live out her fantasy and continues to update both (her side on hers, his side on his). He might not be on Facebook at all if she did that and he wouldn't know about it. Since they were married, she would know enough info to sign him up. If she had two emails and possibly two cell numbers (or used a home number), she could get away with it without Facebook catching on. If she is obsessed enough and crazy enough she might think she can get back with him if "he" has a Facebook that says they are married (and she doesn't change hers) because anyone looking will see it and say that "he's cheating" without giving the potentially obsessive ex (even if she doesn't appear obsessive to most people via stalking etc.) a thought.

The probability that the man is cheating is much higher than the probability that his maybe-ex wife is out of her mind. Men make it sound like crazy ex girlfriends or crazy ex wives are super common, but really those men are leaving out relevant details of the story that would make the woman's behavior coherent. I'm not saying women don't do wacky things sometimes, but it's relatively rare. Meanwhile cheating is pretty darn common. No reason to bend over backwards to make the man look innocent when he's probably guilty.

I've had family members (technically ex family members) do what I described. It was all a ploy to break up any future suitors of my family members (the ones they WERE with) and so they could try to get back together because they thought along the lines of "if I can't have them, no one can and if they realize no one wants them (through my doing, but that's not the point) they'll come back and I'll get my way. Yay! What could go wrong? We were meant to be together. I just know it." Then again, I already know, my family is nutso and keep winding up with people even more nutso. Anyone with a non-nutso family willing to adopt me? :) Maybe I should just go live in a cave… or move somewhere my family can't find me, run an electric fence around my property (with 220 going through just in case they do find me) and change all my info and looks so it is harder to track me down… (it sounds good in theory).

And that's why I don't believe guys if they say they don't have facebook. three guys three. I didn't care about them having facebook. one was married, one was engaged to be married, and one was in a long term relationship. after that if they claim to not have a Facebook i want proof they're also not in a relationship.