By debiebs - 29/12/2015 12:04 - Brazil - Salvador

Today, I found out that my boyfriend has a Facebook account. He said he didn't have one. Apparently he's not divorced after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 506
You deserved it 2 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well don't jump to conclusions! Maybe he isn't divorced yet but is in the process, divorce takes a long time before its finalized

He might've just meant that he isn't using one since a while. And if that's the case, he wouldn't have changed his relationship status. Not everyone wants to update every ******* life event on social media the moment it occurs


OP my boyfriend did the same thing, lied about it for nearly 18 months. Obviously I found it even though it was under a different name and photos of a different person. I feel sorry for you though as mine wasn't married he just had it full of hot girls as friends... With people saying he might not use it etc, ask him to log in and prove he doesn't use it. If possible catch him off guard and he won't have time to cover his tracks, if not please check the 'activity history' no one can ever delete everything they've ever done from that :) Good luck with everything, it's a sucky thing to deal with!

oldie_goldie 13

You need to make friends with his wife on FB and ask her to tell you if the divorce is real. She's probably getting lied to as well. Some people are just a waste of everyone's time.