By Anonymous - 05/07/2009 23:20 - Canada

Today, I had to be go to the ER after I fell on a rake. After having stiches put in, my Mom wanted me to go to the store with her. My friend saw me at the store and thought it would be funny to rip off the band aid because she thought I was hiding a zit. She ripped out my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 612
You deserved it 3 031

Same thing different taste

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OMG I feel so bad for you. How can this be a YDI?


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pwnage79 0

im sure by band aid he means gauze or something. but that stops infections and crap from getting to the (slightly) open place and stop any bleeding

They put a band aid on my stitches that I had on my forehead. Didn't get infected.

Genius: putting a bandaid over stuff PREVENTS it from getting infected by keeping crap out of it.

unibrowicorn 0

You kinda get tipped off by the fact that he said infecticipated...

or that he signed his name "George W" democrats ftw

i got stitches on my chin and lip last time but i didn't have any band-aids whatsoever, everyone could just see the stitches. it's probably different in different countries anw. OP: ouch!!!!!!! can't help but feel pain for you, that's got to hurt a lotttttt. why did your 'friend' have to care so much about some bandaid, she's and idiot. no offense.

YDI for not carrying a sign that you got stitches. LOLJK :D FYL to the max. You should put duct tape on her eyebrows and rip it off. Or something along those lines.

div01 you're a ****** retard. that was not funny at all... FYL

meniacle19 0

it was funnier that the stich in time comment. this one made me cringe with the thought of it. fyl fo sho

FYL although I guess falling on a rake is kinda ydi...but ya that must have hurt like a bitch....

crownme 0

I agree 100% with #12 #15 Lmfaooooooooooooo & #20 shutup and take the ants out your panties

Cat0004 0 is that possible? Bandages have little cotton squares in the middle which is positioned right over the wound/ can this rip your stitches?....unless your doctor used duct tape?