By Anonymous - 05/07/2009 23:20 - Canada

Today, I had to be go to the ER after I fell on a rake. After having stiches put in, my Mom wanted me to go to the store with her. My friend saw me at the store and thought it would be funny to rip off the band aid because she thought I was hiding a zit. She ripped out my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 612
You deserved it 3 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG I feel so bad for you. How can this be a YDI?


xSceneSceneBabyx 0

that f*ckin sucks! how bad did that hurt?

Jessamyns comment made me lol. :p

ethanmonroe 0

Where exactly were the stitches? If it was on your face your friend is less of a dumbass (although he still is one). But if it was on your side or something he must be a complete ******* retard if he thinks you're hiding a zit there.

OUCH! that's gotta hurt bad. i feel so sorry for you, dear.

What I want to know is how you fell and hit your face with a rake...

I can attest that it is possible; I've done it.

Who the **** does that, seriously? Ripping off a bandage when you have no idea what it's supposed to be protecting sounds like such a dumb idea. Sorry you've got a friend that doesn't think before they act, OP.

Bored_2_Death 0

maybe they just tripped over something and happen to fall on the rake

Dude!! That hurt just from being read! And that probably made the injury a whole lot worse too!