By Miss_Whipped - 14/10/2016 06:04 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I just received the king-sized bed I'd ordered. My boyfriend moved out two days ago when we broke up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 221
You deserved it 1 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kaitlyn520 13

Sorry about the boyfriend :(... But all I'm thinking is "King size bed to myself!!!" All the room to spread out and eat all your food in... I know it's not the same as having someone there to share it with you. I hope you're okay <3

On the positive side, you do not have to worry about sharing the bed.


sw33tt 14

That sounds like the opposite of a problem...

Plenty of room for pizza boxes and cats!

I would just like to say you deserve...the king size bed all to yourself! Enjoy the nice roomy bed. ❤️

I dont really see the problem tbh besides the boyfriend part

Bekkah_Kathryn_ 15

Being single for quite a while I decided to finally upgrade and get a bigger bed.... for ME. It seemed kind of dumb at first, but it was so worth it and now I actually kind of hate when I have to share it with somebody. Give it a few weeks and you'll love having to to yourself. Sorry about the break up, op. Hang in there ❤️

If you don't require that big a bed, just try to return it maybe?

FlutterPie 6

So now you've got a king-sized bed to yourself. I fail to see the problem.

I sleep in a king sized bed alone. You get used to the space. Sorry about the boyfriend.

Misskreher 30

get a dog or 2 and let them share the bed :)

believe me, you get used to the space in no time, and if you need comforts, get nice comfy cosy big soft pillows (better than a boyfriend, cause they don't move or snore) enjoy the bed and don't worry the right guy will show up when the time is right