By Anonymous - 16/12/2012 17:26 - Canada - Uxbridge

Today, I'm insanely hungover from a long night of drinking. I'm going to my nephew's baptism in an hour as his godmother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 202
You deserved it 55 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a "Holy Spirit" joke here somewhere.

OneLittleAdditio 9

I have nothing against having drinks once in awhile but if u knew you had a big responsibility why did you do it? Especially when ur supposed to be setting a good example for you nephew as his godmother.


Nothing wrong with being hungover IMO, it happens to the best of us. However, a long night of drinking when you have important things to do in the morning is downright irresponsible.

Think your nephew's parents need to think about finding a new godmother....aren't you supposed to guide them and give them advice and, if you're all quite religious, guide him spiritually? Don't think you can do that if you can't even not get pissed before a special family event...

The real FML is when you baptize his face with your puke.

for a moment I thought it said you where his grandmother, what would have made you the best grandmother ever! but no :(

dorko_is_me 6

Going drunk or extremely hungover over to any family function is not acceptable. YDI! I hope this little boy isn't old enough to see and have to understand how completely irresponsible and how selfish you truly are. But on a second note, why are you going to your "nephew'" baptism as his "grandmother" and not his aunt?

Twipz_fml 3

Don't baptize or indoctrinate children. Let them acquire their own belief system.

angeleyes8675309 7

Yes yes yes YESSSS!!! My thoughts exactly. That's like saying, "Heeyy, congrats, you're born, here's your birth certificate, social security number, religion, and entire belief system, good luck and no turning back now!" it's not fair to them. :(

BellaBelle_fml 23

She's already a part of the family, it is her nephew's baptism.

U_GotitDude 18

I only had one voting option lmao