By edwinduarte1 - 13/09/2010 06:49 - France

Today, I noticed that the walls of my apartment are ridiculously thin, when I heard my neighbor slowly walk up the stairs, slam the bathroom door, lift the toilet cover, take a pee and end with a nice "AAHH." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 189
You deserved it 3 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mandiepandie204 0


heellooPWNED 0

y did u sit there and listen to the whole thing?

Maybe something like 'flop flop floppily flop'.

Whoops, replied to the wrong comment. It was meant for #31.

sourgirl101 28

It sounds like flops when you **********? My ears would bleed!

If THAT is what your masturbation sounds like, you're 1) not doing it right or 2) need to see a dr. Good luck with all...that.

I didn't say me. I said the guy. I was being sarcastic.

FFML_314 11

I want you too. Aha, yes. I am a **** for enjoying sex more than I enjoy peeing. ******* dip shit.

how does the insinuation that she's not a virgin make her a ****. Because I'm pretty sure that if you ever get laid you'll be going around acting like you're tough shit. Don't be a sexist asshole.

lickmyjock 0
SweptAway 0

either you move, or you continue to listen to her bodily noises and functions. And keep in mind the sound goes both ways, she can hear you

heellooPWNED 0

go get a life and stop jerking off wile u listen 2 ur neibor take a piss

don't worry jock, nor you. the ass who called her a ****.