By edwinduarte1 - 13/09/2010 06:49 - France

Today, I noticed that the walls of my apartment are ridiculously thin, when I heard my neighbor slowly walk up the stairs, slam the bathroom door, lift the toilet cover, take a pee and end with a nice "AAHH." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 189
You deserved it 3 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mandiepandie204 0


ElMundio87 0

being a virgin is a bad thing?

sourgirl101 28

Damn, I enjoy sneezing! What does that make me?

h2opoloplaya 0

this dosent really seem that bad

yummycupcakegirl 0

eww I hope u weren't eating thats still funny tho :p

Unfortunately the creep's comments have not only been moderated, but deleted. Let me sum up: Blah blah blah, I'm a creepy creep, ha ha, blah. There, that should help make the last few comments about the vanishing weirdo make sense. You're welcome.

sourgirl101 28

I guess putting black pepper on everything makes me a ***** then! (:

You couldn't busy yourself by doing something else? I'm more creeped out by you just standing there, freak. (: