By Anonymous - 30/01/2012 06:36 - Australia

Today, I picked up my driver's licence and my keys off the floor at the same time, using only my toes. This was the highlight of my day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 840
You deserved it 6 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

griffins33 4

That would totally be the highlight of my day


linkinpark98 23

Your picture..... Uh...... Never mind.

Hustlasaurus 9

That is a marketable skill, not an FML

perdix 29

The good news is that you still will have dexterity even if you are handcuffed. That could come in... *lowers sunglasses* handy.

rightside5 2

I untied, re-tied, and double-knotted my boyfriends shoe laces in 10 min. I have to say it was the coolest thing I've ever done! Be proud of your monkey toes!

I just stared at your comment trying to work out how that was cool. Then I realised that obviously you meant with your toes. *facepalm* I'm half asleep. But I used to be able to type with my toes... I now feel the need to see if I still can...

KittyJay 3

Idk why that's an Fml... That's pretty ******* amazing...

leilaostara 1

Hey, it would be the highlight of my day too! That's awesome!

Quite the unique handyman around the house, eh?

You may think I'm a heel for saying this, but that's a very impressive feet! I am toetally impressed with you.