By Anonymous - 30/01/2012 06:36 - Australia

Today, I picked up my driver's licence and my keys off the floor at the same time, using only my toes. This was the highlight of my day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 840
You deserved it 6 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

griffins33 4

That would totally be the highlight of my day


Not gonna lie; I find it quite impressive you picked up your license with your toes...

templhan 6

You need an award because that's awesome!!

husky22 0

so if this amazing event happened, y r u f-ing ur life? I'd be pretty dang happy if I'd done that!

mynameispickle 0

That's a good highlight be proud!

OP, you're such a kid. :P I just want to squeeze your cheeks and kiss your forehead. I miss the simplicity of mastering seemingly trifling tasks. Did you show your friends your awesome new trick?! ;)

Dude dats awesome! I wish i cud do dat...