By Carrie_Chaos - 23/05/2016 20:16 - United States - Fresno

Today, I started dating my best friend, who is Hispanic. I told my family the good news and all my father had to say to me was, "I will allow you to date him, but you should really think about settling with someone your own kind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 068
You deserved it 1 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a jackass. We are one kind: human. At least you know what kind of mindset your dad has now :/ I'm so sorry. I wish you the best in your relationship. Don't let his small-minded thinking get in the way of that.


The Father will come around when your partner treats you right, and treats your father with respect, hold tight.

wordygirl 11

Your dad probably just wants your race to continue and flourish. Nothing wrong with that.

silmisstar 23

My dad always tells me that he wants me to be with a white guy. It's whatever lol

" That's racist " no jk. But that is ****** up. I'm Mexican engaged to a white boy

wordygirl 11

Your dad just wants for your race to continue.

'allow' you to date him? clearly this father is sexist as well as racist, thinking he can control his daughter and tell her what to do with her life choices

I am really sorry for this because you really like this guy who is from.. actually you did not write where he is from. Anyway I hope you have a good time with him while this last. Neither of you need that kind of discrimination on your love life.

Anthony_Isaacs 9