By Anonymous - 28/10/2015 04:10 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I tried to hold my new boyfriend's hand while on a date. He let go quickly though, letting me know that we aren't at "that stage" of the relationship yet. We've been having sex for two weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 096
You deserved it 5 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hate to be THAT person on FML, but I would seriously consider leaving that relationship. If he's ******* you but can't be bothered to hold your hand in public, that's a bit of a red flag. Then again you could always talk to him, but this just seems a bit suspect to me. EDIT: And to the comments before me, using sex as a weapon is immature.


He obviously is ashamed of people knowing you're together. You deserve better

JohnForge 13

Been dating my girlfriend a year, I hold her hand all the time. There's no sex involved.

Sorry OP but from a 25-year old POV I have to agree with him

He have no problem ******* you but can't hold your hand? He is a player just dump him.

1: He might be joking. that sounds like a joke I would make. it's ironic. 2: Maybe he's insecure about his hands/isnt someone who believes in public displays of affection as appropriate.

Long past that stage, I think. Talk to him, make sure you two are on the same page. If you're not, it may be time to look elsewhere

Don't have sex with for a while & see what happens.

If he can be intimate in the bedroom why can't he display simple public affection to you? It doesn't seem he wants to show any commitment out of the bedroom, time to rethink this relationship status.