By Anonymous - 29/09/2009 05:26 - Canada

Today, I was chastised by the CEO in the middle of a management meeting for showing up late to work every day, despite being in my office before 9:00am every morning. It was my 5th day on the job and no one had bothered to tell me that the office opens at 8:00am, and not 9:00am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 448
You deserved it 39 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you not realize everyone else was already there?

Uhm, isn't that, like, the FIRST thing you ask when you get a new job? "So, uh, what time do i show up around here? And when is payday?" Not hard, dumbass.


Did you not realize everyone else was already there?

CaymanIslands546 0
suaveneanderthal 0

and you didn't bother to figure out when you were supposed to show up too work? great work ethic buddy

Its times like these that i wish i could press the "YDI" button more than once.

RedJester23 6

you have your own job now, no one is holding your hand anymore. kinda pathetic that you need someone to hold your hand to tell you the work hours to your own job

dudeitsdanny 9

72: You can press it twice. Four times if on two computers. =D Just open the thing to post the comment BEFORE you click it. You can click it from in here, and from the main page =D

I feel like u should know when your job starts so ydi

ThaMC 0

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On the plus side, you've been staying an hour longer in the evening, right?

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yea you would hav noticed... ydi. pay attention to your surroundings

well whether or not they stayed in the evening doesn't make it any better. you can't go making up your own hours.

jellenwood 35

Oh but my boss does! It's ridiculous. He works maybe two hours a day and when he goes to meetings out of state he goes several days earlier and stays several days later on the company dime. He takes his wife too.

He's the boss he can do anything he likes....

Jimbo2000 0

Couldn't you have asked what the hours were? Because you didn't, I call fake

lem0n_fml 0

Don't assume it's fake. People are just ******* dumbasses sometimes.

Uhm, isn't that, like, the FIRST thing you ask when you get a new job? "So, uh, what time do i show up around here? And when is payday?" Not hard, dumbass.

As a first day question, I also like "How many times can you get caught sleeping at your desk before they fire you?" That's a good one to hold off onto until the first day. It is not a good interview question.

I wouldn't say it's a good question on the first day either :p

Maybe the first day will be so filled with adrenaline, you can't sleep at work that day. You might want to ask them later in the week, because the answer is never written down in the policy manual. Later on, you might want to ask about the "real" sexual harrassment policy. Ours is ass-pinching is OK, weiner-showing is not.

Wow, how do you deal with such uptight management? As long as nobody gets pregnant, we do what we want! I could never work at a no-weiner enviroment...

It pays OK. Having to keep my weiner in ALL DAY is pretty oppressive. I wish I could work at a place like yours.

It's pretty hard being a birthday clown though, you think you could manage?

Like everyone else said, the first thing that I do when I get a job is clarify what my hours are. I don't understand why you didn't. Deserved it.

How the hell did you not figure this out? I'm sorry, but you seem dense. You ask these questions at your interview and read the manual if you aren't sure. I've never read a work manual in my life though.