By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada

Today, I was driving home from work and noticed the car behind me was tailgating me pretty badly. I was starting to get angry with the driver, and kept glancing in my rear view mirror at him. While I was doing so, the traffic ahead of me stopped, and I rear-ended the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 511
You deserved it 43 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you're supposed to leave more space in front of you when you notice someone tailgating you. YDI for paying more attention to the jackass than to the road while you're driving.


Tiro1000 1

Tailgating you bad. When you say Badly, you're saying that he was doing it poorly.

You don't understand the grammar you're trying to correct. If you're going to be a grammar nazi, be correct.

Oh dear, that sucks. I'd better make sure I don't ever do that... I'm still on my Restricted!

krivedko 0

should've let him pass you, no? and why do you give a **** about someone who's behind?

That was totally your fault, dude. #33

dude that sucks something like that happened to me except the traffic ahead kept moving but the douchebag infront of me slammed on his breaks!

Instead of just starring at him, which he probably can't see (not to mention very dangerous), just roll down your window and give him the finger, while slowing down.

lol, you need to learn how to keep your eyes on the road even though you're pretending to pay attention to someone, something else if a tailgater pisses you off, then just start slowing down lol... nothing will piss off a man in a rush more, than slowing down and blocking his way lol

Try not driving like a old woman next time.

To #21 when you're older you'll understand how annoying it is. But until then you really don't an opinon. Sorry kiddo.

haha ydi for not getting out of his way and being obnoxious