By FenderBender - 03/09/2009 04:54 - Canada

Today, I was driving home from work and noticed the car behind me was tailgating me pretty badly. I was starting to get angry with the driver, and kept glancing in my rear view mirror at him. While I was doing so, the traffic ahead of me stopped, and I rear-ended the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 511
You deserved it 43 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you're supposed to leave more space in front of you when you notice someone tailgating you. YDI for paying more attention to the jackass than to the road while you're driving.


Biohazard808 0

YDI! Next time do what i do...start slowing down a lot. this will piss them off more but you shouldn't give a ****. lesson learned.

People tailgate me every day. You deserve it. Don't glare at them. They can't see that. Just follow the rules of the road and if you get rear-ended, you can be proud it wasn't your fault.

YDI for being an impatient, unobservant ass.

Always..I repeat ALWAYS worry about what's in front of you. If they want to tailgate, that's their business. And again, ALWAYS only worry about what's in front of you, not behind you. Sorry OP but YDI.