By Anonymous - 27/08/2009 15:53 - United States

Today, I was supposed to give a presentation to the incoming freshman about the dangers of drinking in college. My co-presenter showed up drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 718
You deserved it 5 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you really think you're going to convince college students not to drink?

quivx 7

That's not so bad. Work with it. Use that person as a teaching tool.


quivx 7

That's not so bad. Work with it. Use that person as a teaching tool.

Hockey_Chik 1

Reminds me of Role Models. Minotaur FTW hahaha.

#11, I've got to get my eyes checked. I read that as "now explain this is what happens when you get MARRIED." XD

tyhillman 0

Teaching tool? I think drinking in college is a great teaching tool. It teaches you how to have a good time and get laid.

exactly! you should have just said, "See? Perfect example!" or something :)

Do you really think you're going to convince college students not to drink?

Well no, but it can always help to educate. If they haven't been properly educated, that's one thing. But if they know the risks, and engage in doing so anyway, that's no one's fault but theirs.

It's like abstinence. Are you really going to convince a bunch of teens with hormone levels through the roof that they should wait until marriage or love to have sex? Probably not. But they do it anyway.

Exactly. And by college, they should know all the risks. Most college students have already formed their morals and values, and have either already had alcohol or never really will much. Studies prove, those who don't drink much by 21 don't drink much after, when it's legal.

so as you can see kids not everyone can resist the urge to drink

plutosaplanet 0

keep getting your co presenter more drunk. the RAs did that while we were in college, they took a shot every 30 or 60 minutes throughout the night in the dorm to show how it affects you.

brilliantbarbie 0

sounds like your RAs were just sart asses enjoying the alcohol... I dont see how that would help at all... Taking a shot every half hour or so is accomplishing what?? Showing how much their fellow classmates can drink before they get "out of control"?? Thats rediculous....I would assume that would just make peope drink more, because I highly doubt the school allowed the RAs to get so drunk that they caused a commotion, which is what the big concern is in the first place.

draccon136 0

Depending on who was the better presenter, you may have helped create a new crop of binge drinkers and alcoholics.

Hahahaha. What a great opportunity though. Think of the possibilities. He's pretty much a great example of how much of an idiot you look like and how incompetent you are when you show up to responsibilities drunk. Plus it's just really funny.

deaditegirl 0

YDI for thinking that a presentation will convince college kids not to drink.

MiseryAlice 0

Somehow I doubt they were going to listen to it in the first place...

Visual aid. That probably did more for your cause than your presentation would have.