By thetheatreguy - 26/02/2009 14:56 - Canada

Today, I went on the best date I've been on in years. Later on, over drinks we get talking and I explain how I came out to my friends and family. When I ask him how he came out, he replies that he isn't gay, and oh, did I think this was a date? FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 670
You deserved it 12 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you manage to arrange a date with someone who didn't know it was a date?

Look on the bright side: you had a fun time at least. On the not so bright side: Oh dear god.


prepdude22 0

oh how sad! :( sometimes i hate being gay lolz

i think that guy should be the one writing the FML

gaydar is less fine tuned than most straight people think. It's more subtle, we can usually sort of tell if someone is gay, but more after watching how they act, and how a closet gay reacts when someone calls them gay as a joke is the biggest giveaway to another gay guy. I spent... less time than I should've in the closet, but it was still long enough to understand exactly what every other teenage queer is thinking when they are called gay.

To Number 19... We can all wish. And all things fail, they might become best friends. We know where to draw the line. Thanks.

look at it this way. You have someone you can have a fun time with. Friends that you click with are gold. You don't need to be intimate. Live in the moment and be happy.

#31- Not really. Gaydar isn't "look at a guy and know", it's more like "hang out with a group of friends and begin to notice the gay ones". At least, I seem to notice some odd sort of magnetism with homosexuality. Dunno.

Kohvi92 0

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Awkward. Funny, but awkward! More funny than awkward. As long as you both laugh it off, it's not awkward.

#39, at least I don't believe in a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father and can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... Now stop being a bigot and go play nice.

mikelc 0

This has bothered me a few times in my life; i'll talk to a guy for a while cause i'm friendly and nice, then somehow eventually realize he's hitting on me, and i'll let him know i'm not into that angle. Then it's like they get mad at me for not being gay! So, don't be so presumptuous with the gay thing. fml.