By thetheatreguy - 26/02/2009 14:56 - Canada

Today, I went on the best date I've been on in years. Later on, over drinks we get talking and I explain how I came out to my friends and family. When I ask him how he came out, he replies that he isn't gay, and oh, did I think this was a date? FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 670
You deserved it 12 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did you manage to arrange a date with someone who didn't know it was a date?

Look on the bright side: you had a fun time at least. On the not so bright side: Oh dear god.


Wow I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I've been in this situation, but on the other side. I felt so sorry for the other girl, because I liked her; just not like that.

redhusk89 0

#58 damn straight. I'm the same way. # 39 I don't know what you said and I hope I never do. # 40 you're an idiot you are far and away a bigot yourself. don't ask to remove the speck from your brothers eye until you take the log from you own. Secondly you clearly have no grasp of the biblical teachings. Thirdly do you have any ANY possible idea how much historical, statistical, etc. data there is out there to support the Bible? Not even the Bible but simply the story of Christ? You sir are an epic fail! To the OP well you win some you miss some. I have a friend that dated a girl, she has since come out of the closet to the entire high school class, but she just asked to date him again yesterday.... point being it could be worse.

About the Gaydar: something like 10% of gays (and a much lower percentage of straight people) can identify sexuality via scent. I'm one of them. Gay guys smell blue-green.

#62 - Nope. I just have some weird mental association between smell and color. Blue-green just happens to be the color I associate with homosexual musk. It's actually a very nice smell.

Ouch, that must suck, oh well, at least you had fun b4hand? could have been worse *shrugs*

linzilady 0

Wow, that really sucks. You probably should have checked that he was gay first though.

wow, way too many comments have been moderated on this thing - do bigots just trawl the internet in search of any mention of homosexuality and just delvge into a tirade of bigotry? seriously, get a life - whats wrong with being gay? ps im straight, you don't have to be gay to hate homophobes.