By peepeepants - 18/08/2009 12:35 - Canada

Today, I went to get a pedicure for the first time. My feet are VERY ticklish. I reflexively kicked the poor lady in the face, as I wet my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 587
You deserved it 17 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mj2123 0

Why would you get a pedicure - something in which someone is constantly touching your feet - if you know you're that ticklish?

Today, some bitch kicked me in the face while i was trying to give a pedicure. FML


what the ****? YDI, i hope you offered to clean it up you asshole.

was the peed like a flood or a little tinkle

my feet are so ticklish that I think if my feet and hands were chained to a big board and someone tried to tickle my feet I would break my own ankles to get out of there rather than get my feet tickled .

Jakojan 4

Are you retarded 91? How does someone deserve something for having an accidental, UNCONTROLLABLE reaction to something? Just because you weren't loved enough as a child doesn't mean you should be a jackass for no reason.

BigBoss026 0