By peepeepants - 18/08/2009 12:35 - Canada

Today, I went to get a pedicure for the first time. My feet are VERY ticklish. I reflexively kicked the poor lady in the face, as I wet my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 587
You deserved it 17 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mj2123 0

Why would you get a pedicure - something in which someone is constantly touching your feet - if you know you're that ticklish?

Today, some bitch kicked me in the face while i was trying to give a pedicure. FML


I'm sorry, but if your feet are that ticklish, you shouldn't be getting a pedicure.

distaylor122 1

This is the best thing I've read in years :D

ChickInGreenVans 12

Haha made me lol. YDI for knowing that you're ticklish, but FYL too for peeing in public and kicking her in the face... Too funny.

turtlesarerad14 13

Why in the world would you get a pedicure if you have extremely ticklish feet?

Dancersrule1 26

I feel you, OP. But your toes look pretty - better luck next time!?