By yeah why not - 06/04/2013 17:06 - Norway

Today, my dad had a little too much to drink. When he's that drunk, he likes to pepper me with a lot of random questions. He asked if I've ever tried hard drugs, and if I want to die. I answered no to both of the questions, and he demanded to know why not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 843
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what he would have done if you said yes to both...

I imagine your dad to be like Captain Oveur from "Airplane!": "Do you like gladiator movies? Do you like when your dog grabs your leg and runs up and down? Ever seen a grown man naked?"


CreepInTheCorner 11

Well at least you know that you can do drugs now..

What? She can do drugs and perhaps ruin her life because daddy approves?

I wonder what he would have done if you said yes to both...

I'd assume he'd either high five her or ask for some. Or maybe both.

FlamingTacos 7

He wants you to be living like Larry

hryffff 11

Did you show any signs of depression?

I hate when people take shit so seriously. You're not taking a record breaking dump, chill.

I imagine your dad to be like Captain Oveur from "Airplane!": "Do you like gladiator movies? Do you like when your dog grabs your leg and runs up and down? Ever seen a grown man naked?"

^I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

olpally 32

This movie is on HBO channel right now! Lmao! :D

EmilieAutumn 7

Seeing parents getting drunk in front of their kids makes me never want to drink.

What a lovely dad, I'm a bit jealous

Yea c'mon guys lighten up on the dad! He just wants to know if OP would be down for a hangover status adventure that might involve one of them tragically dying...

Eh, might as well do drugs. Then, when you get addicted, make him pay for rehab.

Completely ruin your life because of something your drunk father said? Genius Idea! -.-

Hey, you can meet some quality people in rehab!

Haha sounds like something my mom would do