By Anonymous - 22/02/2010 16:38 - United States

Today, my dad screamed at me because I've been "spending too much money". He's been out of a job for 4 months and I've been giving him 300 dollars a month to help pay for bills... and his beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 719
You deserved it 3 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PsychoMerk 0

Stop giving him money -_- if he pulls that shit "I took care of you blahblah blahhh" tell him he's the dumbass that didn't use a rubber >:|


perdix 29

300 bucks helps with the bills AND is his beer money? What kind of cheap-ass swill are you making the poor old man drink? He gave you life, so you should spare no expense to keep him in fine imported beers or local craft beers so he can stay comfortably numb until the recession ends. Ingrate!

iSwag 0

I'm a Grolsch man myself...when drinking beer....swingtop of course

PsychoMerk 0

you're* -_- she does it to prevent worldwide illiteracy.

Actually, I've read that it depends on the context, that you would put a period within a quotation only if the quote includes it, otherwise the period lands outside of the quotation marks.

Spend ur money how u c fit and tell ur dad to go get another job I mean WTF

Your dad should find a job I guess buy you are doing a very good thing for him.

Wait, did some research. Americans put them inside quotation marks, and British put them logically.

i know just how you feel, i have been with that situation ofr 11 months now, it's very annoying and frustrating

I would suggest you stop spending money on him...