By Anonymous - 22/10/2010 02:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me on Facebook to stop calling/texting her because she lost her phone. Right under her post was "sent from Facebook for iPhone." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 455
You deserved it 4 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coyotemk11 3

it could of been sent from someone elses phone. you can log into facebook from anyones phone.

She could of posted it from her IPod. If you do post something to facebook it says from iPhone even though it is an iPod.


it's called using someone else's phone!!! anyway I'm not suprised she would say that anyway bc your complaining to FML about it. are u like 6. it sounds like it!

if she has an ipod touch the facebook app also says facebook for iphone.


She must of sent that from some guy's iPhone, while she was getting nailed!

maybe its someone else's ipod...come on

She's so BUSTED!!!! You got a real brainiac, there, op.

goldhighways 0

could have been an iPod touch

my iPod touch says it was posted from an iPhone, don't worry about it love. You'd be amazed how often i lose my phone and use my iPod.

FFML_314 11

Am I the only one wondering how she knew he was calling/texting her if she lost her phone? I think that is the /dead/ give away that it was posted from her phone. I'm sure if she had an iPod touch that he would know.

Uh no? How is it a dead give away?! When I lost my phone, I told everyone to stop texting me on it. She could have just told her boyfriend to stop texting that phone, so that he doesn't get all paranoid when he doesn't get replies...

FFML_314 11

Yes, but the way the story is worded, gives me a different impression. Saying "stop texting/calling me" is implying that OPs girlfriend knew he was. As opposed to saying "Hey, don't call/text me, because I lost my phone." If you can't see the difference, cool. However, I choose to interpret it in such a way that makes sense to myself.

I have to agree with Anna. The reason it's on FML is because it's a bad thing: The OP's girlfriend lied. The way it's worded says she's received all his text messages and calls. In my opinion, if you just don't want to talk to someone/anyone for a bit, just say so. Don't lie.

Maybe the girlfriend kept everything a secret and is being untruthful. Tsk tsk.

well, I agree with you guys, but, fml changes words and such when they edit these, so it 'could' have said it different than what it shows.

Yes they could have edited it, but I have a hard time believing it, since the part you mentioned they might have edited is what makes it an FML in the first place. The reason it is here is because she worded a specific way, not what it "might have been".

Yeah, I thought that too. also if posting from somebody else's iPhone/iPod touch I usually use Facebook mobile as people don't want to log out of their Facebook app. I'm assuming the same would happen with OP's GF's friends. She's clearly busted.