By Discouraged - 31/05/2012 12:43 - United States - Rockville

Today, my little brother got his crush to go out with him by impressing her with his level 500 FarmVille. This is the next generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 932
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste


I think we need to slap some sense into this generation, ain't nothing like the 90's

NEWS FLASH: Most people in this generation think Farmville is retarded. In fact, the only person I know who plays Farmville is my 40 year old uncle. I do not pitty you for your ignorance, but I do pitty your brother for being . . . one of them.

I pity you for not being able to spell pity

#60 call me whatever but... I think the "news flash" there was rather unnecessary.

tuzdee1022 0

You must have been born in this generation lol your anger to his comment makes me Smile

MonsterCommenter 4

Maybe you should get a level 500 farm? The chicks will dig it. :P

I'm sure he put lots of hard work into that farm, show's commitment if you ask me... Perhaps the lady can appreciate that!

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

mrmerino 0

Your tag mentions ponies. See the irony?

Because the weeaboos are so much better. "waifu", ugh.

anoellem 1

I'm embarrassed for my generation

olpally 32

Thank goodness you understand... Good for you :)

Yay someone else who is smart... I though i was the only one who realizes our generation is ******

Trisha_aus 15

Our generation is not ******, not entirely anyway, we need to get rid of those fuckclumps like Op's brother and make sure they are sent to Asgard..that's the only way

Asgard? The Norse realm of the gods. That seems like a pretty awesome place.

FilleNoir 21

That's kinda cute, maybe your jealous because you don't have a special person on your life?

Give the bitch FarmVille, bitches love FarmVille...

That's one way to impress a girl...

Tali147 16

It is not a good way...but I suppose it is still a way.