By notfatanymore - 13/11/2011 20:50 - Germany

Today, the guy I've recently started seeing confided that he's relieved I'm on the heavier side, and that he has a thing for watching chubby women eat. I just reached my ideal weight after losing 40 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 362
You deserved it 4 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

socalledbliss 0

As long as you're comfortable with the weight you're at, don't worry about what he says! :)


The ****? I don't know what to vote, but I think I'll say YDI cuz it's not a ******* problem. It's not like being chubby is problem lol! You should be happy - you're no longer fat and you have a boyfriend. If you're chubby then you're around a healthy weight - it's fine. God.

kittie1959 5

He sounds like an insecure, mentally abusive, control freak. They give back handed compliments, amongst other things, in order to lower your self esteem and eventually make you believe no one else but them could possibly love you. He WILL undermine your attempts to remain fit and to become over weight by encouraging you to eat, eat, eat. RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!!!!!

lishy1311 0

Maybe he likes you, any way you are? Or, he could be a jerk. Hard to tell, in such a short statement.

So what, you're still fat. Lose more weight.

she said she reached her ideal weight.