By morethanredhands - 21/05/2012 05:56

Today, while in the bathroom, I started absent-mindedly drumming on my thighs. I didn't stop to think that people outside would think I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 748
You deserved it 7 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments


So did you "drum" yourself to a happy ending?

People were probably thinking this kid beats a good rhythm.

Masturbating at a musical rhythm? You win.

When you are leaving the stall continue the beat, so people can see that you were not masturbating.

Wish I could ********** with rhythm ...

hateevryone 14

Lol you didn't think about that didn't you?

thats a good one, I drummed twice yesterday

Am I the only one who drummed their thighs out of curiosity after reading this?

hockeyoceancity 13

I compared them both to find out if they sound alike, they do.

I seriously don't understand this haha. It never makes any noise for me, maybe I'm just a pro at being stealthy idk. What even makes noise at all? Your hand hitting your leg?