Touch grass

By furred - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Philippines

Today, I was playing an online game in nothing but my boxers, when suddenly a girl joined my team. I immediately felt embarrassed and put some pants on. There were no webcams involved. I need to get out more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 237
You deserved it 14 538

Top comments

That's weird considering most of the guys I know would take their pants OFF when they know a girls is on... Tissues, anyone?

26-Not necessarily. Gamer girls come in all shapes and sizes, just like guys. In fact, a lot of girls that I've come into contact with that play video games are actually quite attractive. And by quite attractive I mean pretty damn sexy.


And when you do get out, don't forget to put on pants :-P

The most annoying thing about all this is when most "girl" gamers have to, just have to, put "girl" or "female" in their IGN. As if anyone cares that a girl is gaming or if we want to know, so what. Many of the guys that go crazy over a girl joining the lobby are usually ones with no girlfriends.

nikkidoodle1995 0

That's really true. And stupid.

Comfort yourself with the fact that it was infinitely better that you didn't rip your boxers off when she joined. That would have been exceptionally pervy!

thrAsHeRr9081 16

95% of gamers play pants less; I am one of them.

I am one of them too. Just wake up eat breakfast and game in your boxers.

SpaceCadet87 0

Don't worry OP, she didn't see your pasty ass. The sun is your FRIEND!

MissMisc3 7

Am I the only one that thinks it was a nice (though unnecessary) gesture? :P

nikkidoodle1995 0

No. I was thinking the sane thang.

You've got nothing to feel bad about.