Unlucky 180

By Anonymous - 11/02/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I’m in hospital because a pub dart fell from the sky, seemingly from nowhere, and stuck itself in the top of my skull. I was walking my dog, I wasn’t near any trees or any high buildings it could have fallen from. If someone threw it from where I couldn’t see them, it was a very lucky shot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 573
You deserved it 77

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you considered that the gods may just not like you? It's probably the only explanation you'll ever actually get. Hope the noggin isn't too sore though, darts hurt like buggery.

New fear unlocked. Hope you're okay, OP.


Have you considered that the gods may just not like you? It's probably the only explanation you'll ever actually get. Hope the noggin isn't too sore though, darts hurt like buggery.

New fear unlocked. Hope you're okay, OP.

Luke Littler almost went from 180 to a 187.