Vote of confidence

By SMRT - 13/01/2010 06:08 - Canada

Today, I finished my position paper for my social studies class and read it to my mom to get her opinion on it. After I'm done reading it, she asks me if I copied it from somewhere because it sounded very professional and smart, and it didn't sound like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 259
You deserved it 3 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've had a similar experience in highschool. It was a presentation that we had to partner up for, and I happened to partner with one of the smartest girls in class. Incidently, we both left it to the last minute (both of us to blame - we were both lazy) but then, the day before, I got an idea of what to do and wrote the whole thing. Afterwards, the teacher said, "That was one of the best and cleverest presentations I've come across in a long time." Everyone thought that my partner came up with it all and I did nothing. No one believed that it was my idea at all.

Yeah I really hate it when I get told my writing seems professional.


cucuto89 0

Today, my mom complimented my writing. FML

Jacks_Penguin 0

The Simpsons allusion is classic! I wasn't sure what to vote till I saw that :-)

liveBabylon 0

Yeah I did the same thing in 6th grade, my science teacher gave me c- for plagiarism, because it was A+ work. I wrote the damn thing.

I think what the fml is trying to say is that the OP's mom doesn't believe OP's capable of such a high degree of work. and I think that's what the fml is about, if it's the opposite then it's obviously not an fml.

Your mom doesn't know what you sound like, most likely, on a proffessional level/when you;'e at school/uni/college. so to her it most likely doesn't sound like you. No YDI or FML winging git.

I've had a similar experience in highschool. It was a presentation that we had to partner up for, and I happened to partner with one of the smartest girls in class. Incidently, we both left it to the last minute (both of us to blame - we were both lazy) but then, the day before, I got an idea of what to do and wrote the whole thing. Afterwards, the teacher said, "That was one of the best and cleverest presentations I've come across in a long time." Everyone thought that my partner came up with it all and I did nothing. No one believed that it was my idea at all.

That's really frustrating. It's like "Why would I lie to you about this?"

cookies_for_you 0

So? This isn't a FML. People don't write papers how they speak. Quit whining.

Get her tested for drugs cause she must be tripping.

fml stop bloody modding comments bitches

neverminddd 0

#1 Mom.... Anyway, look on the bright side, at least she thought you did a great job.

lyndis_fml 0

Good to know she has faith in both your abilities and your integrity.

sparxva 12

Yeah I really hate it when I get told my writing seems professional.