Weird flex, but OK

By Anonymous - 21/03/2023 00:00

Today, I’m too damn nice. I bought a cart of groceries for someone who was asking for help buying food outside a grocery store, so now I get to deal with the self-hatred that comes with being too nice for my own good. Again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 257
You deserved it 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can’t help but feel like you would benefit from therapy and an assertiveness course. One or two items, sure, but an entire cart??

It seems like you did a nice thing. As long as you're financially able to do so, why are you mad?


I can’t help but feel like you would benefit from therapy and an assertiveness course. One or two items, sure, but an entire cart??

It seems like you did a nice thing. As long as you're financially able to do so, why are you mad?

ODBeefalo 10

base your level of upset on how much financial impact this has on you. if you make 100k a year, stop worrying and feel good about doing good. if this is a large chunk of your income, then you should be looking into talking to someone. I don't worry about handing someone in need $20 from time to time, but $100 is a bit of an issue for my income level.

I see no reason you are mad. What you did is good

Sounds a little excessive for someone of ordinary means.