Y'all need fiber.

By blondie875 - 26/05/2018 14:30 - United States

Today, I had just gotten out of the shower when I thought I had to fart, so I ripped it. instead, I shat all over myself and my floor. I'm 30. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 511
You deserved it 1 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azouwa 26

Anal. When it makes your hole weak while making your whole week.

Lobby_Bee 17

At least the part on your body is easy to clean, jump back I to the shower. Can't say the same for the floor.


If only that'd happened BEFORE the shower...

Are you still single? Why am I surprised?

Regardless of your age, never ever trust a fart. Maybe the shower water mixed with the gas is what made it all liquidy?

azouwa 26

Anal. When it makes your hole weak while making your whole week.

Lobby_Bee 17

At least the part on your body is easy to clean, jump back I to the shower. Can't say the same for the floor.

blightsight 10

You know ehat they say. If you have to force it, it's probably shit.

blondie875 4

hey guys, its me, op! I hadn't been feeling well and had just gone to the bathroom so I thought I was safe (since I thought I was empty) that's why i trusted the fart. and to the asshat asking if I'm single and he wouldn't be surprised if I were, no sir I'm not single. been dating my boyfriend for 2.5 years, jerk. anyway, thanks for the comments, they made me laugh!