Customer of the day

By oped01 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Cape Coral

Today, in a department store, a woman with a parrot sitting on her shoulder was trying to return a coffee maker. She explained that she had to return the coffee maker because the bird didn't like it sitting on the kitchen counter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 385
You deserved it 1 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A07 48

If the bird doesn't like it it obviously has to go.

As someone who is around parrots a lot. They can get very terrified of various objects sitting around. And when they panic and crash into a wall, it can hurt them greatly and lead to expensive vet bills quickly, or worse, the bird dying from the impact. So for the well being of the Animal and the owner's wallet. I can fully Understand this.


Aaaarrggghh! Return the pieces of eight to the lady or else ye be walkin' the plank, matey!

Exotic birds are super high maintenance, so a bird owner returning things for the sake of their pet isn't really strange. I've also worked in customer service and returns and this isn't anywhere close to the kind of weird stories I'd get from customers about why they wanna return something. I wouldn't say YDI. But if there was a "This could have happened to me/anyone" button, I would have pressed it.

I agree, birds are high maintenance and if the owner just returned stuff, that wouldn't be strange. The funny part of this story is how the bird is *with* her at the store.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

As long as she had her receipt don't worry about it. That's not that bad.

Yourheadache 19

I have had birds my whole life. Things can freak them out like this, but they get used to it over time. You just have to put up with the yelling for a while. Can't let the bird dictate your life.