Free Britney!

By SirTalkaton - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Vacaville

Today, I had to give a video presentation. My video was on animal abuse, but I somehow played a video of myself singing Britney Spears in my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 209
You deserved it 17 457

SirTalkaton tells us more.

SirTalkaton 22

Ok OP here, here's the deal. I have no problem singing Britney. I like music that's that. But my brother thought it would be hilarious to overwrite my presentation with that. As far as why I was recording, well I lost a bet and keep my word. However, it was not Oops I did It Again it was Man Eater. Class got a good kick out of it for sure.

Top comments

Well, depending on how well you sing, the videos can give the same reactions

salvorican 24

So..... Did you get extra credit?


Hopefully you dressed more decently than Britney does.

catanita 18

Were animals in the room while you sang? If so your video was right on the subject.

Did you announce to the class "Oops I did it again"?

Rofl, at least it wasn't one of you mastrubating, lol.

It all comes back to why you taped it anyways.

XBurytheCastleX 25

Why the hell would you record that?

I'm just wondering (if you're a grown man) WHY would you even video record that?

Because people still have a sense of humour.