Free Britney!

By SirTalkaton - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Vacaville

Today, I had to give a video presentation. My video was on animal abuse, but I somehow played a video of myself singing Britney Spears in my room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 209
You deserved it 17 457

SirTalkaton tells us more.

SirTalkaton 22

Ok OP here, here's the deal. I have no problem singing Britney. I like music that's that. But my brother thought it would be hilarious to overwrite my presentation with that. As far as why I was recording, well I lost a bet and keep my word. However, it was not Oops I did It Again it was Man Eater. Class got a good kick out of it for sure.

Top comments

Well, depending on how well you sing, the videos can give the same reactions

salvorican 24

So..... Did you get extra credit?


You could've said stop animal abuse or you will have to hear my annoying voice.

I think you should label your discs or check then before you bring it in

Could have been worst, you could of clicked on the video of you reenacting the silence of the lambs scene with the lipstick.

Mads_1234 28

I feel like I saw an FML similar to this just a little while ago...

Why would you record yourself singing Britney Spears songs in your room? Did you really intend to watch those? YDI

Well, Britney's kitty could die from too much exposure.

Probably to the same effect. Good work.