
By Prodigy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ran into a former college classmate at Subway. He gushed on and on about how I was the only one in our class with true potential. Then I asked him what kind of sandwich he wanted, because 3 years out of college, Subway is still the only place that will hire a music major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 708
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quit whining, all of us musicians know the risk we're taking when we try to make it a career.

Go back and get another degree- one with some form of job security. You should have known any art degree wouldn't get you anywhere especially in this economy.


KurouTenshi 0

All you have to do is put your musical skillz to use by making an EPIC remix of the "5-Dollar-Foot-Long" song, and then work your way up the corporate ladder so that you can be the one who comes up with ridiculous musical numbers to be used in the commercials. :D You're a college grad, use that brain!

bigpapi210 0

I'll have the cold cut trio with the works on white please. make it a combo Lmao

mercy is to restraint what I am to logic and rationality: non-existent within a 1,000 mile radius.

Ajjas013 6

For some reason, that actually made sense...

Ajjas013 6

Every moment is your moment. See what I wrote about you in my profile :)

Mooshki 0

If the crappy job gives you time to do what you love, it's worth it.

FYL, I can sympathise dude, I majored in music and ended up working in a ******* car plant for a year