Happy something

By Zebracat - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was watching TV and started freaking out thinking I forgot to wish my boyfriend a happy anniversary. I wrote him a text and after I'd sent it, I realized that the date is mine and my ex's anniversary date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 471
You deserved it 56 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Infamous_Hawk 6

Haha I bet he didn't remember either.

Honest mistake. It could have happen to anyone still in love with their ex....i mean it could happen to anyone...


speedgay 0

You made a big boo boo! If I'm in doubt about something; I just don't say it!

sexxiimissj 0

am I the only one who wants to know how he responded to that? lol

makayla_roxx 2

hey, it could be a test to see if HE remembered it wasn't your guy's anerversary

Wow, You probably got him all psyched out thinking it's today and he totally forgot. That's just mean.

I kind of think there should be a button saying F his life