Inebriated utterances

By Brenden Alistair Maye - 30/07/2021 01:59

Today, after the girl I fell head over heels for asked me out last night, it turns out she was so drunk at the time, she doesn't remember and doesn't want to date me at all. I'm beginning to feel like my life is some shitty movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 912
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

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Probable Translation - She has a boyfriend or girlfriend and doesn’t want to admit to that “complication”. Let it go, if she has no interest in you sober there is nothing there - It was just drunken lust before and she’s no longer interested.


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Probable Translation - She has a boyfriend or girlfriend and doesn’t want to admit to that “complication”. Let it go, if she has no interest in you sober there is nothing there - It was just drunken lust before and she’s no longer interested.