Little shit

By single&alone - 06/03/2015 20:44 - United States - Seattle

Today, my boyfriend's little sister told me she hates me. I thought she was just a jealous, whiny nitwit like most kids are, until she calmly walked over to the wall and headbutted it hard. She burst into tears, ran out of the room, and told my boyfriend I hit her. He believed her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 840
You deserved it 3 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is a tough one, because, while his sister is actually kind of crazy, I feel like a brother SHOULD believe his sister over his girlfriend. That is, of course, if his sister isn't a whack job.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet with this family

hahaha, little one learned well. now show her one up and put your expensive makeup n her purse n tell ur boyfriend u misplaced it....

This situation is very tricky. If you've never shown violent behavior before and he didn't at least CONSIDER the possibility that she was lying, then I would say you're probably better off without him. Either way, I'm so sorry that happened, kids can be extremely manipulative and if she keeps it up she'll most likely have a lot of problems in the future. Hopefully, if things are still cloudy, you can clear it up rationally. I wish you the best of luck OP!

#72, I know what you're trying to say, and it's a very good point, but I think the key word here was "right away". You're right in saying family is important, but I too agree in saying that if didn't put the slightest bit of thought into the possibility that she was fibbing, then good riddance.

grogers311 20

"I thought she was just a whiny, jealous tard like most kids are..." Seriously?

grogers311 20

Yeah, the sister was definately a piece of work, but you don't sound much better

How old is this kid? Is she always like this with all of her brother's girlfriends or were you the chosen one OP? Some kids do get crazy jealous when their siblings date someone cause then they have to share their love.

That child is an idiot and so is your boyfriend. You could do better

Confront her about the situation privately and record the conversation. She will most likely talk about it.

Take a video next time. If he still doesn't believe you, then go kick his butt out onto the curb.